2025-2026 Critical Illness & Cancer
Carrier: Cigna
Customer Service: 800-754-3207
Claims Website: www.SuppHealthClaims.com
Critical Illness Group #: CI112186
Most of us are not financially prepared for a medical crisis caused by a critical illness within our family. Out of pocket expenses can deplete our savings, home equity and retirement funds. Major medical insurance does not cover many non-medical expenses. Out of pocket costs include:
Deductibles and co-payments
Doctors and hospital costs exceeding usual and customary charges
Travel to out-of-town hospitals for treatment
The risk of a critical illness affecting the lives of a loved one is real, according to the American Heart Association:
Heart Attacks will strike 1 in every 3 American Men and 1 in 4 American Women
Strokes will strike 1 in every 6 American Men and 1 in 8 American Women
There may be nothing worse than laying in a hospital bed worrying about getting well and having to worry about finances at the same time.
No one wants to experience a cancer diagnosis, but the fact is that the risk of getting cancer is great. In the United States, men have slightly less than a one in two lifetime risk of developing cancer; for women, the risk is a little more than one in three (Cancer Facts and Figures 2012, American Cancer Society). Our cancer/specified-disease insurance policy is designed to provide you with cash benefits during covered cancer treatments.