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Qualifying Life Events

Qualifying Life Events


Certain qualifying events may occur that would allow you to add, change or terminate your election(s).  


Examples of qualifying events include

  • Birth or adoption of a child 

  • Change in your employment status 

  • Marriage or divorce 

  • Legal separation 

  • Loss of dependent status 

  • Change in the employment status of your spouse or dependent, including benefit changes during your spouse or dependent employer open enrollment 

  • Gain or loss of eligibility for Medicare/Medicaid for yourself, spouse or dependent 


When you have experienced a life event like above, you must submit a QLE form in TalentEd within 30 days of the event date.                                                                                                                                                                                     


Submitting the form

To access the Qualifying Event form, go to TalentEd Records at   

  • Log in using your employee ID and network password.   

  • If it takes you to Perform instead of Records, you can switch to Records by clicking on the block of squares in the upper right corner.   

  • When you get to Records, then choose ‘Available Forms” on the left side of the screen.   

  • Click there, then locate the form that says, “Qualifying Life Event - Benefits”.   

  • Click on it and select “Add as an E-Form”.   

  • Complete the form, upload the proof of Qualifying Event, then click on “Save Final”.   



  • The system will not allow you to submit the form until you upload the documentation, which must include the name of the person who experienced the event, what benefit/s were lost/gained and the effective date of the event and in pdf or jpg format.  

  • A Qualifying Life Event does not allow you to change between plans. 

  • Child dependents are covered under the NKCSD medical, dental and vision to age 26. Your child dependents will then term end of year on 12/31 regardless of what month they turn 26. 


Please remember that this change must be submitted no later than 30 days after the qualifying event (date of loss of coverage or date new coverage begins) but may be submitted earlier. 


Once your Qualifying Event form is approved, you will be notified via your school email and you will need to call the Avant Enrollment Center to make your elections as the final step in the process. 

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